Jirou - Cat Avatar for VRChat
June 29, 2023 - Removed "left hand" animation layer due to gestures overlapping
- viseme lip sync
- 7 facial expressions
- 5 fur patterns
- toggle on/off collar
- physbones (ear, hair, whisker, tail, belly)
- polygons: 15254
- performance: good
- uses Poiyomi Toon Shader
What is permitted:
- You may modify this avatar for personal use. If you are commissioning a third party for modifications, both parties must purchase the avatar.
- You may modify this avatar for personal use in other platforms.
- You may sell content you create for this avatar such as accessories, clothing, and textures if you do not include any part of the original product.
- You may use this avatar for monetized streaming purposes such as V-tubing. Please provide credit in some form on your page.
- You may use this avatar for adult/R-18 activity.
What is prohibited:
- Do not redistribute or resell this avatar. (no clone or public avatar world)
- Do not use this avatar to promote religious or political activities.
- Do not use this avatar to promote illegal activities.
- Do not use this avatar to promote harmful ideologies, hate speech, or harassment.
- This product cannot be refunded. It is sold as is.
- Poiyomi Toon Shader (https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases)
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me via your receipt or message me on twitter @luckyscout23
Thank you!
This product is not currently for sale.
73 sales
This item includes:
.blend file
.psd with textures, UV, and AO layers
19.1 MB
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